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Orthopäde in Potsdam
gesucht ?

Ihre Spezialisten für ganzheitliche Orthopädie

in Potsdam, Brandenburg und Berlin

Mit Freundlichkeit, Innovation und Kompetenz.

in Potsdam auf  jameda


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What we stand for as specialists in orthopedics in Potsdam

Thanks to years of experience in the field of holistic orthopedics, our specialists, using state-of-the-art equipment with innovative technology and modern analytical devices, we offer a full spectrum of orthopedic treatments in our orthopedic practices in Potsdam and the surrounding area.


With patience, competence and innovation, we can guarantee effective and reliable treatment for joint complaints, back pain, scoliosis, pelvic obliquity, posture disorders, muscular imbalance, osteoporosis, CMD, arthrosis, shoulder pain and problems of the cervical spine.


We specialize in diagnostics using spine measurement and posture analysis, muscle strength measurement, treadmill analysis, foot pressure measurement, and pelvic and leg axis measurement, as well as diagnosis of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system.


At our orthopedic practices in Potsdam and our other locations, you will receive qualified, specialized treatment for all pain, disorders and illnesses related to muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, spine, back, intervertebral discs and joints. Our focus is on precise and detailed analysis of your medical problems.


Our orthopedists in Potsdam and Falkensee are dedicated to taking as much time as necessary to ensure individualized treatment and therapy planning. wWe examine and treat every patient holistically, innovatively and competently.

About us -

your orthopedic surgeon in Potsdam

As specialists in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, we treat our patients with ultimate care and urgency in an effort to address issues before wear and tear of joints and/or muscles exacerbate problems or necessitate an operation.


Based on our professional experience and qualifications and our personal preference for sport and exercise, our focus and philosophy is to treat patients holistically rather than simply focus on a particular complaint.


Our on-site orthopedic surgeons, utilizing a wide-ranging cooperative network of orthopedic partners in Potsdam, Berlin and Brandenburg, when necessary, can assure our patients of precise, effective and individualized treatment. To accomplish this, we utilize state-of-the-art medical technology and complex treatment methods and measurements, as well as analytic methods for all patients including athletes in competitive sports.


Our center for movement analysis and sports orthopedics, which is integrated into the practice, enables our orthopedists to make fast, accurate diagnoses and administer effective treatment without unnecessary delay.



# Everything from one source, everything under one roof!

Unsere Praxen und Standorte 

Ortho Balance im Palais Ritz Potsdam

Privatpraxis für Orthopädie

Berliner Str. 139

14467 Potsdam

0331 / 98 19 30 400

Ortho Balance Potsdam

Ortho Balance Falkensee

Praxis für Orthopädie
und Gelenkchirurgie

Dallgower Str. 9
14612 Falkensee

03322 / 23 67 64

Ortho Balance Falkensee

Center for Motion Analysis and

Sports Orthopedics

The Center for Movement Analysis and Sports Orthopedics, which is integrated into our practice, is part of the Medical Balance Group GbR and offers comprehensive and state-of-the-art equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of postural and movement disorders, sports injuries, as well as for postoperative rehabilitation and medical training therapy.



At our specialized facilities and with our experience and training in the field of physiotherapy, sports science and orthopedics, we can provide our patients with a full complement of treatment from the initial diagnosis to the successful completion of the therapy.


Our motion lab is a complex, integrated system, which provides a holistic view of people in motion. The synchronous measurement of the spine, leg axes, the posture of the pressure and rolling behavior of the feet while walking (or running) enables our specialists to recognize abnormalities in the movement pattern and to treat them in a targeted manner. The spectrum of use ranges from medical diagnosis and training therapy to performance diagnostics and sports science.


We are currently the only practice in Berlin and Brandenburg with a "High Performance Motion Lab".

Center for Motion Analysis and Sports Orthopedics

Ortho Balance
Team support


Ob Profi-Team, oder Einzelsupport von Leistungs -und Spitzensportlern, mit unseren Spezialsiten und Netzwerk aus dem Bereich der Physiotherapie, Sportwissenschaft, Personal-Training und Sportorthopädie können wir für unsere Athleten eine lückenlose Betreuung vom Beginn der Diagnostik, bis hin zu einer erfolgreichen Therapie garantieren.

Endo Balance

  • Individuell
  • Sicher
  • Zertifiziert
Höchste Quallität und Sicherheit, vom Team bis zum Operateur 
Rundum-sorglos-Service, von der Planung bis zur Operation
24/7 Support mit Fullservice  Vor- und Nachbehandlung
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